/Einzelausstellungen/Solo Exhibition/Separat utstillinger
2020 „Red Lines, Frise Künstlerhaus Hamburg
2019 „another day“ Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg
2018 „People & Places“ Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg, m/A.Ekwall og E.Ballo
2017 „psykologiske landskaper“ Bærum Kunsthall, Bærum
2017 „Mind the Gap“, m/A.Ekwall og E.Ballo, Frise Künstlerhaus Hamburg
2016 „psychologische landschaften“ Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg
2015 „Behind lines – Drawing into space“, Kunstverein Bad Homburg
2014 „Edenrewind“, Funasaka Satoyama Art Festival m/S. Mohr, Japan
2014 „Behind lines“ Makii Masaru Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan
2013 „Evolution“, Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg – Katalog
2013 „niveau de la mer“, Galeri du Tableau, Marseille m/S. Mohr
2009 Blauer Salong, Wiesbaden
2007 „Merry GoRound“, Line Gallery, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2007 Phantastisches Aquarium, Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg
2007 „Merry GoRound“, Jing Art Gallery, Shanghai
2005 „Objets Divers“, Galerie du Tableau, Marseille
2005 Palermo Bilder, Galerie Kammer, Hamburg
2004 „Avanti Popolo“, Area, Palermo
2002 „Dyptiske tegninger“, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo – Katalog
2001 „ikke vekk“, LNM, Oslo
2001 „Iris Access“, KünstlerhausHamburg, Hamburg
2000 „Dyptiske tegninger“, Museumsakademie Galerie Helen Adkins, Berlin – Katalog
1999 Kanalstipend utstilling, Nome, Telemark – Katalog
1998 Stavanger kunstforening
1998 Galerie Chr. Dam, Oslo
1997 Oslo Kunstforening – Katalog
1997 Den Norske Ambassade, Berlin
1994 Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Tønder, Danmark
1994 Kunstnernes Hus, Århus
1991 Galerie Fürst-Sørensen, Oslo
1989 „Det finnes haver hvor det brenner en ensom fontene“ UKS, Oslo
1984 Galerie Wissart, Berlin
Gruppeutstillinger/Gruppenausstellungen/Group Exhibition
2024 „Oblique“, 8. Salong, Hamburg
2023 „Kunst Er“, Lambretta Kristiansand Kunsthall
2023 Lambretta, Surnadal Billag
2023 ENNUI, Mom art space, Hamburg
2023 Exlibris Frise Künstlerhaus Hamburg
2023 Thomas Rieck und freunde, Frise ,Hamburg
2022 Die Goldene Schnitte #2, Fett 6, Hamburg
2021 Wir sind Hier, Art of Hamburg, Hamburg
2021 Bauer stube Kunst Raum, Altona Museum
2021 Die Goldene Schnitte #2 Richas Digest Köln
2020 It will never be the same, JuroGrau & Freunde, Galerie Kammer , Hamburg
2020 Second sight, Art of Hamburg in Westwek, Hamburg
2019 Gallery 523, Busan, South Korea
2019 RADICAL TWILIGHT, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg
2019 „Die Goldene Schnitte“, Frise, Hamburg
2018 En utstilling om døden, på Maihugen, Installation m/ A Ekwall, E. Evensen, E Ballo, O.H. Hagen
2017 „in the black box“ forum box , Helsinki
2016 „The Material of Memory“ Frise Künstlerhaus Hamburg
2015 Randsone Vega, „Rotasjon 2“ m/A.Ekwall og E.Ballo
2015 „Cover“,Bernhard-Nocht-Straße, Hamburg
2014 „TRANS“, Galeri du Tableau, Marseille m/T.Rieck, G.Gerlach, F.Fux
2014 „TRANS“, Frise-Hamburg m/T.Rieck, G.Gerlach, F.Fux and others
2014 „abow is only sky“ Bremen, Kurator Belinda G. Gardner
2014 „Bunker“, Friedensalle 54 Hamburg, www.kunstprojekte.de, 2014
2013 „niveau de la mer“, Galeri du Tableau, Marseille m/S. Mohr
2012 “Daemons Dilemma“,Feld 6, „Rotation“ m/A.Ekwall, E.Ballo und E.A.Evensen
Frise Künstlerhaus Hamburg, D
2012 (DIS) PLACEMENT, Hamburg art Week, D
2012 PI die Verwandlungen des Kreises, Die Drostei, Pinneberg, D
2010 Das Ohr von Giacometti, Galerie Levy, Hamburg
2010 Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale, Japan
2010 Landscape-moments-visions. Galleri renate kammer. Hamburg
2010 Vastarakkaus – Gegenliebe II, Muu Gallery Helsinki
2010 Blodig alvor, Bergen Kunstmuseum
2009 Flusslauf der Donau , Østerike, med Sabine Mohr og Christoph Rothmeier (utsmykning)
2009 Kunsten å falle, Preus Museum, Lambretta
2008 Kaleidoskop, S – Bahn Allermöhe, Hamburg (utsmykning)
2008 Amour Reciproque / Gegenliebe, Galerie Montgrand, Marseille – Katalog
2008 Raum als natur/Natur als gesetz, Kunstlerhaus Hamburg
2008 “wir nennen es Hamburg” Kunstverein Hamburg – Katalog
2008 Ach so !?“, Makii Masaru Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Floral Views, Galeri Renate Kammer, Hamburg
2006 „Wildwechsel“, Hilvaria studios, Tilburg, Holland
2006 „Rosenrot und Mauergelb“, Galleri Kammer, Hamburg
2005 „Tiere die in Städten leben“, 3. Fototrienale Hamburg – Katalog
2005 Kunst aus Norwegen 2005, Die Drostei, Pinneberg, D
2005 „wechselstrom“, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2004 „Time is on my side“ Kunstforening Rügen, D – Katalog
2004 „en natt i et Hotell“ Hotel Olympic , München
2003 „Harakiri bonbon“, Kunsthaus Hamburg- Plakatedisjon
2003 German/korea Especially Exibition, Seoul, Korea – Katalog
2002 „venner venner“ fra høstutstillingen 1986, Lambretta, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2000 Künstlerhaus Hamburg , Tegninger
1999 WWW. Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin
1998 „Nordischer Klang“, Schloss Griebenow, Greifswald,D
1998 Grosse Düsseldorfer Kunstausstellung, Düsseldorf
1992 Hammerlev kunst og kultursenter, Danmark
1990 Lambretta, Galerie F 15, Moss – Katalog
1987 Lambretta, Galerie Wissart, Berlin
1986 Lambretta, „ Venner venner det finnes venner“ høstutstillingen, Oslo
1985 Høstutstillingen, Oslo
1985 Lambretta, Sveaborg, Helsingfors, – Katalog
1985 Lambretta, Tidskonsept IV Jøtul fabrikker, for spiellefilmen X, Video
1985 Lambretta, Islandsbrygge, Kjøbenhavn
1985 Lambretta, Kunst in Norwegen Heute, Neue Galerie, Aachen, – Katalog
1985 Lambretta, Art in Norway today, Royal College of art London – Katalog
1985 Lambretta, Tidskonsept V, Lakkegata Oslo, Video
1984 Lambretta, Tidskonsept III, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
1983 Lambretta, Wangs Kunsthandel, Oslo
1983 Lambretta, Tidskonsept II, Lakkegata, Oslo m/Holy Toy og Einstürzende Neubauten
1983 Lambretta, Kulturen lever, Aker brygge
1982 Lambretta, Tidskonsept I, Lakkegata, Oslo
2016 Statens Diversestipend
2016 Bildende Kunstnernes Hjelpefonds utstillingsstøtte
2011 Bildende Kunstnernes Hjelpefonds kunstnerstipend
2009 Prosjektstøtte
2006 Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Plattform China, Beijing
2004 Sintesi Cultura,(Goethe-Institutt, Centre Culturel Francais), Artist in residence, Palermo
2001 Vederlagsfondet
1999 Lindbäck Langgaard reisestipend
1998 Kanalstipend Nome Kommune
1998 BkH – 3 årig arbeidsstipend
1997 Statens reise eller studiestipend
1995 Vederlagsfondet
1994 Vederlagsfondet
1993 Vederlagsfondet
1993 Daad studiestipend, Berlin
1991 Prosjektstøtte
1988 Videreutdanningstipend
/Kataloger/ Kataloge/Catalogs
2013 Evolution, Galleri Renate Kammer, Hamburg
2011 Lambretta-Brytninger i tiden – Louise Braarhen, Masteroppgave
1997 Oslo Kunstforening (med støtte fra kulturrådet)
1999 Kanalstipendutstilling, Nome Kommune, Telemark
2000 Dyptiske tegninger/ Diptyche Zeichnungen, Museumsakademiet-Galerie Helen Adkins,
Berlin (med støtte fra kulturrådet)
„Lambretta-Brytninger i tiden“, Masteroppgave i Kunsthistorie ved Universitetet i Bergen
The subject of this thesis is the Norwegian group of artists called Lambretta. The group was formed in Oslo in 1982, and was active until 1987. The Lambretta group consisted of Edgar Ballo, Axel Ekwall, Erik Annar Evensen, Ole Henrik Hagen, Jon Arne Mogstad and Terje Uhrn. Originally, the members of the group were all painters, but the group dynamics that emerged through sharing a common studio resulted in large installation art pieces. On the one hand, they were to a large extent following the general artistic tendencies of the time, onthe other hand they represented something radically new.In this study I will focus on describing the new aspect of the art created by the Lambretta group. Because of the avant-gardes notion of novelty and originality, Lambretta will be discussed in relation to the concept of the avant-garde.
The thesis begins with a presentation of the total artistic production of the Lambretta group. This forms the basis of an examination of the formation of the group, the nature of the group dynamics and the development of their common artistic expression. The works of the Lambretta group are seen in light of the Norwegian and international art scene in the beginning of the eighties, and the new artistic expressions that emerged in those years. Then,the different theoretical understandings of the avant-garde, from the texts of Renato Poggioli, Clement Greenberg, Rosalind Krauss, Jean-Francois Lyotard and Donald Kuspit, form the basis for the final, and central, discussion of “the new”. This paper argues that, in accordance with Lyotard’s theory of the sublime and the avant-garde, Lambretta did create unique artistic expressions of the sublime. The conclusions states that the Lambretta group indeed can be seen as representatives of a post-modern avant-garde.
Louise Braathen